Thursday, April 29, 2010

I wish we had better thrift stores in Savannah. I want this for Henry!

Vintage Fisher Price Record Player


  1. I used to have that when I was a kid. Search vintage Fisher Price on ebay. They have everything. I have a bunch of saved toys always but can't stand how much they are charging for them!~

  2. That is EXACTLY the same way I felt when you were born! And when Megan was born, and when Lindsey was born, and when Stevie was born, and when Karli was born. Phew! Just lots and lots of lovin'!

  3. YES! If I find it for a reaspnable price online, I will get it for him and have...whoever, mail it to y'all. So cute.

  4. I checked EBay before posting this and wow oh wow oh wow, they're expensive! Totally crazy that people can sell those things for $40+...Let me know if you find a cheap one though Paige!

  5. That's what I was afraid of! I will look though. Did you try amazon?

  6. I was going to suggest ebay too, but figured they'd be expensive! Bummer! It is super cool though! :)

  7. i have that! its at my moms house :]
