Friday, April 16, 2010

H's New Shoes and A GIVEAWAY!! **CLOSED**

Ever since Henry's naps have become more predictable, I have been able to find the time to start crafting again! Oh, how I've missed it! Lately I have been into sewing him these fleece booties (awesome pattern found here). I love how colorful they are and the fact that they are so light weight makes them comfortable to wear even on these hot Georgia days. Also, you can totally embellish them in any way you choose, which makes then fun and personal.

Lately I've been wanting to do something to celebrate the fact that I have recently found a bunch of awesome new readers (and they aren't even related to me!) What better way to celebrate than with It's a Wonderful Life's very first giveaway?

I will be giving away a pair of these handmade shoes to the lucky winner on Wednesday, April 21st. I'm not too sure how many people would really be interested in entering a giveaway of this sort (increases your chances of winning though!) but I'd love to make a pair of these for a baby other than Henry, so I thought we'd give it a try.

The shoes will be different than Henry's pictured above, but the design will be a total surprise. I'm not implying that my sewing skills are anything to brag about either, but I think that's part of what makes these shoes so unique. Feel free to enter even if you don't have a baby (perhaps you know someone who is expecting??) The largest size shoe I can make is about six months, so please keep that in mind.

Here's how you can enter (if you do all three, you have three chances to win!):

1. Leave me a comment telling me whether you'd like girl, boy, or gender neutral shoes.

2. Vote for my blog by clicking the brown button below and leave a SEPARATE comment telling me you voted.

3. Follow my blog publicly and leave me another comment telling me your favorite Beatles song.

Good luck everybody and hello to my newest readers!

(open to US and Canada only)

UPDATE: I am excited to announce that a pair of shoes will be made and sent to :

Marcella from Mar & the Peej (comment #10)

Thanks to everyone who entered, I seriously wish I had the time to make shoes for all of your beautiful babies and babies to be :)

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs


  1. My best friends are expecting but don't know the gender yet. Gender neutral?? Even if I don't win this giveaway though, they are super cute! You are a wonderful mom!

  2. Unfortunately I live in Canada so disregard my entry - but good luck to everyone who enters!

    Those are so amazing! If I ever finally save up for a sewing machine, I want to make some myself!

  3. hehe, El Rigby ftw! :)
    Thanks for the heads up!

  4. These are darling! I have lots of friends with babies.. and who knows a few years I may have another!

    You are sooo talented!

  5. and i ALREADY FOLLOW you, however my favorite Beatles song is "Cant buy me love"

  6. they are so cool! but my son is 6 months old already, AND he happens to have big feet. But! I have voted for you.

  7. Ugh.. I don't know any Beatles songs by name except for the one about a yellow submarine. Lol.

  8. Those are super cute! I have a little girl who just turned 4 months old and would love to win a pair of these shoes!

  9. I voted and loooooooooove these shoes, I would prefer gender neutral...

  10. My favorite Beatles songs are Don't Let Me Down, Saw her Standing There, In my life, I've just seen a face. Dammit. Cannot choose one.

  11. & I'm cool with any shoes as I have boy/girl twins! I guess gender neutral so they can share?
