Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear Henry

Dear Henry,

About a two weeks ago you started being able to hold onto the things we placed in your small hands. Now you can not only hold onto those things, but also bring them to your mouth for a feel-taste and then drop them when you are finished. We could watch you do this over and over and often do, lately we're always finding new things for you to grasp and explore.

It seems like every week you learn to do something new. Each time I tell myself that it's my absolute favorite trick of yours and then you totally prove me wrong by doing something even more exciting!

Isn't it amazing that although we teach you new things everyday, you still learn to do the small things (like grasp your toys) on your very own? You are such a smart boy, I love watching you grow.




  1. Aaawwww, sooo cute!!!! Enjoy, enjoy! Remember, someday he will be a middle-school aged boy. It's true. he will check his brain out for a couple of years, be proud of gloriously loud farts that echo, occasionaly brush his teeth, and be completely politically incorrect. You have been forewarned.And yet occasionally he will let you know that he is still your little man. That is, if no one else is around.

  2. so precious!
    that's something i'm excited for when i have a little one someday--all the new discoveries!
    that must be such an awesome time.
    good job, henry. :)


  3. How sweet. Way to go henry!!!! It just keeps getting better! Every day Aidyn does something to make me smile and surprise me!

  4. Awww, thanks Paige :)

    Lydia: it is such anamazing feeling. I loooove it so much!

    mom: YIKES! I actually had a bizarre dream about Stevie last night, because of your comment :)

  5. Does it look okay? Be honest. I just changed the font and picture exposure...too much?

  6. Honestly, I like the realness of the other one. This one is sweet too. But I think I just slightly prefer the other. Either way, you are both beautiful:)

  7. There, I fixed it (??) Thanks for your honesty!

  8. I like hearing your stories about Henry!
    I can almost pretend that I'm a mommy myself. :)

  9. And that way you can still get sleep at night and do things with both hands!!

  10. i agree with wallflower :).
    by the way, you look absolutely adorable... i love your outfit!

  11. GAH! this is so sweet. and he is so presh, mama.

  12. Thanks so, so much Mariel and Mrs. B!

  13. A.dorable.
    Cant wait for my little one to begin holding things...he's almost there!

    I love your blog too.....
    hooray for new followers! :)

  14. oh, ps.
    you are so cute!! rockin a great post baby bod.

    (what new mom doesn't need to hear that!?)

  15. Thanks so much Yana! You are super adorable. Your little family is adorable! I think your little guy is just a few weeks younger than Henry? Pretty soon he's going to start picking up new tricks every's so much fun!

  16. the only thing that's possibly cuter than that delectable henry is his insanely hawt mom. that sundress is to die for - not to mention the lady wearing it!

    i just love you two. you're amazing.
