Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I already really enjoy introducing Henry to things he has never seen before. I love watching the way he silently analyzes every new experience with those wide eyes and scrunched eyebrows of his.

Yesterday we took him outside and the children spent a good portion of the morning blowing hundreds of bubbles for him. H loved watching them float down in front of his face but hated it when they would pop on his chest. The squeals from the other barefoot children when the bubbles would pop only added to the excitement of this new experience.

Aren't bubbles so much fun?


  1. Oh I was juts hoping you would post! I had to refresh my dashboard but I can't believe I was actually right! I am boderlining creep right now but I just love your posts. I love showing babies bubbles (my niece loves them) and mirrors and viddeos of their parents are fun too. They just get so confused how they can be sitting on their mom's lap and see her on the screen at the SAME TIME!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one creepin on blogs! And besides, you're not a follow me publicly :) !

    It's really nice knowing that someone is actually reading the things I write and looking forward to new Henry pics too. So THANK YOU!!

    Oooooh, it's going to be so funny showing videos of me and G to H...I didn't even think about that! I love when little kids see pictures of when they were babies and think it's their younger sibling. They have a really hard time grasping that one...

    I found your other blogs yesterday and have been really enjoying them. I love the blogs you linked (especially Belle and Squid).

  3. Hahah, I guess I do follow publicly, but there's nothing wrong with not!

    Of course! I love your blog girl! I may very well be your most creepy reader!

    Yes, that is so fun. Or when they're first figuring out that THEIR mom and dad is also their siblings'. Sometimes that's a hard one too.

    Oh I'm so glad! Torches Together is my blog I do with my roommate all about our crazy life and silly day-to-day musings. Less serious and more whimsical than my Prone to Wander blog and Etcetera, Etcetera. is more of an external hard drive for me. I have a feed from my real blog in case anyone who is exclusively tumblr stumbles upon it but it's mostly for pictures, little quotes stuck in my head and music I find goes to because my hard drive is so tiny!
    I'm glad you like them, feel free to follow publicly:)

  4. I will add them to my list tonight!

  5. Ahahaha, I'm LOVING that last photo. Too cute! Can't wait to have my own squirmy baby. :( Some day.

  6. what an observant and curious boy... i love it! :)

  7. Thanks guys! He is very fun and I love watching him learn!

  8. he looks so comfy! and i'm diggin' the duds.

  9. Yeah, I wouldn't mind if someone made me lounge on big comfy pillows all day :)
