Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Over the Place...

I have had no motivation to write lately. H has been dealing with a stuffy nose for the past three days and so far shows no sign of getting better. It's so heartbreaking to see your little baby all sick. I wish so badly that I could just make it all go away and explain to him that he won't feel this crummy forever. Instead all I can do is drip warm salt water down his nostrils and wrestle his teeny head into place for the mean ol' booger sucker (oooooh how he hates it!)

Tonight we learned that our neighbor's house has been broken into two (TWO!) times in the past two months. The first time they went in through a side door, but today they figured they'd save themselves the hassle and just kicked in the front door. Pretty ballsy, I'd say. Apparently both times they've stolen stupid things that are easily accessible, leaving the more valuable but large items intact.

I haven't worried about someone breaking into our house since we first moved in and now I'm seriously wishing my maternity leave wasn't ending already, I believe the reason our house has been okay is because I am here all day. Perhaps being too afraid to leave the house with baby alone hasn't been such a bad thing after all...

G and I talked about it and it's not like we have anything worth stealing here anyway. Most of our instruments are vintage and have more personal value than retail and if someone wants a baby swing and some cat food, they are more than welcome to it. I mostly just worry about the cat getting out and running off if someone leaves a window or door open. And the hassle of replacing said broken entryway. I also think I'd sleep horribly knowing that a complete stranger had been in my house, rifling through my belongings...

I listened to Joanna Newsom's, The Milk-Eyed Mender today. It had been forever since I had even thought about that album. There's just something about Joanna, I don't know quite what it is. Her music really takes me back to some pleasant times and makes me miss my dear old friends. Henry listened for the first time while breastfeeding today and his eyes were HUGE. He loves the sound of a harp and is pretty intrigued with her high pitched voice. When I Googled her name to attach a link (above) I learned that she is (was?) dating Andy Samburg. Crazy!

AND just to make this post even more scatter brained, here's an awesome music video for all of you. Enjoy!!

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  1. Okay, time to move back to the Northwest!!!First job offer up here, accept, pack, move.soon. realsoon.'nuff said.
    -Momma Hall

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