Thursday, March 18, 2010

Two Months Old?!

Oh my, Little Bear! How did this happen so quickly? ::Sigh::

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  1. OH MY GOODNESS. He is so cute.

  2. Thank you! I can't wait to see what your baby is going to look like! You two are so cute, your baby will be adorable!

  3. He is too much! I love his wide-eyed "what you talking 'bout willis?" expression!

  4. Yay! Happy 2 months to Henry (and to his parents too)! I love the fourth photo. My fave photo of Henry so far.
    I'm sorry I have been so M.I.A in your blog lately. I feel like I have missed out on so many things ;) School work is not so stressful anymore so after we get back from our trip, I'll have more time to check in regularly. I love you blog, Allie. You are sweet, your baby is adorable and your posts always make me smile.
