Thursday, February 18, 2010

Too Much Blogging!

Although I hardly have time to post these days (typing gets tricky when you're breastfeeding!), I find myself spending ridiculous amounts of time reading other's posts and sorting through hundreds of blogs looking for new ones to read. I didn't realize how much time I actually waste spend blog hopping until just the other night, when I met Rebecca and her children from Girl's Gone Child.

In. My. Dreams. Whoa! Allie, you're kinda creepy!

In the dream Rebecca had contacted me via e-mail and asked me to come over. She was having a difficult time decorating her son Archer's room and needed my professional advice (if you saw our house you would know that this in itself is something to laugh about). She was hoping to create a cowboy theme and needed to know what kinds of things she could add to make it more unique. I told her that she needed to put a campfire in the middle of the room.

Before I left we all played basketball together and she handed me a scoop of warm peach cobbler. I didn't have a container to put it in so I created a pouch with the front part of my dress and carried the hot treat around.

Instead of dreaming about taking our cute new baby to the park or even dreaming of dreaming (I hardly sleep these days!) I dream about other bloggers.

Creepy? A bit. Rediculous? Quite.

The other day I noticed that someone found my blog by Googling, "Illinois Basic Skills Test, I think I might have failed". I thought this was hilarious!!! (It linked them to this post. Btw- Look at how different G and I look!!).

Test taker, if you are still reading this blog I just want to let you know that I passed the test and I know you did too. It's way easier than you think and the fact that you only need to score a tiny bit to succeed makes it that much easier. I hate enterance exams and had drinken a few glasses of wine while studying the night before. I was running off of a few hours of sleep, tons of coffee, and had the worst cold ever while I was taking it. Trust me, you passed.

I can see that a lot of other people I don't know read this blog as well and I wish you'd all say "Hello!" We love making new blog friends and I'd love to read your blog as well! A "Hey!" would truly make my day. If you're one of our secret readers, please don't feel like a creep and leave us a comment sometime okay?

Besides...after my dream you can't come off any creepier than me, right?


  1. Oh! I really really really want you to read this:

    dream of the day

  2. SO funny! Not sure if you can tell, but I commented more on that post...

  3. and i just remembered this one:
    dream of the day

    see? you're not weird.

    or, we're both really really weird.

  4. I LOVE YOU ALLIE!!!!!!!! you are AMAZING

    Love ya

    PS hi!

  5. I am taking your advice and saying hello. I started reading your blog today and I love it!
