Thursday, February 25, 2010

They Went Out the DOOR!

I can't believe that it's already time for me to start thinking about going back to work. That means preparing myself for the many Dora and Diego inspired conversations like these:

F: Guess WHAT?!
Me: What?
F: My fambily is LOST!
Me: Oh no! What happened?
F: They went out the DOOR!
Me: Oh?
F: We have to go find them!
Me: Let's finish eating lunch first...mmmkay?
F: ::Contemplates:: Okay. Allie?
Me: Yes F?
F: We're so glad you're here! (takes bite of sandwich)
Me: Me too

::Gasp::...Guess WHAT?!
Me: What F...
F: My fambily is lost!
Me: I know!
F: They went out the DOOR!
Me: Yes...
F: We have to go find them!
Me: Not right now F, maybe later...
F: Allie?
Me: Yes?
F: We're so glad you're here!
Me: Me too! Now eat some more lunch okay?

::Gasp:: Guess WHAT?!

.......Repeat three-five more times.

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