Saturday, February 6, 2010

Henry's First Snail Mail.

Baby Henry,

I know you won't be able to read this for a while...but I know that your mommy will read this to you. You are so cute and I love you a bunch! I loved spending the past week with you! We took you to so many places! You are so easy going is what everyone is saying about you! You also love the car! Whenever you would cry, we would put you in the car and start driving, and you would be fine! I am pretty sure you still like the you? Well, you have an awesome mommy! I miss you a lot, Henry! You even made me cry when we said goodbye! You little stinker! Can't wait to see you again!

Much love,
Thinking about you,


P.S. I also cryed because of leaving your mommy! Love you, Henry!


  1. So cute!!! Henry, you have an awesome auntie!!!

  2. This is just too cute! Henry is so lucky to have such a talented aunt (a good writer AND good at drawing) ;)
