Monday, February 1, 2010

First Two Weeks In Pictures.

Henry had a very busy first two weeks home. Making everyone fall completely in love with you has got to be exhausting....

Here are some of the things Baby H has done since he's made us a tiny, very happy family:

Taught mom and dad a whole new definition of "in love":

Squinted out the sunlight for the first time ever:

Bundled up for my first mini-adventures outside the house (Savannah has actually been COLD this last week!!):

Met my wonderful pediatrician and made him and the nurse fall in love with me too!:

Stared into daddy's eyes and memorized the feeling of his beard as he kisses my little head:

Spent hours snuggling warmly with grandma and aunt Karli (they are sooo in love too!!):

Received tons of tiny kisses and taught mommy that I like to have my fuzzy head rubbed while I'm cuddling and eating:

Celebrated daddy's 25th birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY G!):


  1. aw.... Congrats allie! And Garrion! I'm SO happy for you two! Happy Late Birthday Garrison! Wow your getting old! :P haa haa!

    Love you guys!


  2. Baby Henry sure is a busy guy!Love ya lots!!!!!

  3. You have the cutest little family!! Congrats on baby Henry!!

  4. ohmygosh, your baby is beautiful! Congratulations on becoming a mom... will be tuning in to read about Henry! xxo

  5. H is already throwing up rock fists. happy bday Gary. i think of you three so so much.
    -amy g

  6. Oh my goodness- chills! So precious! And you have cute hair. :)

