Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Very Pregnant New Year's Eve.

Seven days of family time makes your house feel really quiet after everyone leaves. This Christmas we were lucky enough to spend the holidays with all of G's family, right here in Savannah (and Florida too!) You always hear people's horror stories about their in-laws, but I can easily say that I have none. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of people now so close to me.

This New Year's Eve is definitely like none we've experienced before. Years prior we've been out until late, rushing around trying to see as many friends as we could. Debating where to go first and last. How late the trains ran or which taxis to call. I looked forward to surrounding myself with the chaos and excitement that counting in the new year brings. Just one year ago my priorities were so different.

This New Year's Eve I am looking forward to curling up in our warm bed, right next to the boy and cat that I love the most. I'm trading the late nights and craziness for the butterflies, nervousness, and happiness that feeling our little (upside down now!!) baby kicking my belly, safely sandwiched between us brings. Toasting 2010 with a big glass of sparkling grape juice while the fireworks and yelps from people outside filters through the walls of our new cozy house.

I love this New Year's Eve the best. There is nothing that feels better or more right than this here right now.

Wishing you all a happy 2010!!

38 Weeks

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