Friday, December 18, 2009

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words...

I haven't written lately because a) we've been so busy moving into our new house and b) I am suffering from blog envy. I love reading other people's blogs but have come to the conclusion that I need to stop reading so much and instead work on improving my writing skills. I love how most have such a way with words and the more I read the more I realize I am far from filling their shoes. I think I'll just post some pictures tonight, brush up on my creative writing skills, and save trying to type something half interesting for another rainy day. Pictures are easy. They speak for themselves. And that, I can totally do.

35 Weeks!

36 1/2 Weeks!

We're going to be parents soon!

I had one of four remaining baby doctor appointments on Wednesday and a super quick ultrasound peak showed Henry sitting up in my uterus the wrong way. He's what doctors like to refer to as "breech" but I'm calling it, "really confused". The breech position is not normal and doctors would like to see him laying head down or else it's c-section time. A breech baby looks like this:

* picture from:

He should have turned on his own by now and most likely will not without a special procedure called an External Cephalic Version. If this guy doesn't flip on his own, this will be me Wednesday, December 23rd at 12:30 pm. Don't even ask me how much this freaks me out.

Note to family and family friends: this video is totally clean. Just creepy and kind of gross/weird. Maybe compare to Ripley's Believe it or Not...


  1. Hey Allie! This is from my nintendo dsi! That IS intense! Love you and miss you a bunch!

  2. If you have to get that done on Wed. I know you will be fine! It fact, it might be a little fun for the baby :P And he will have a literal head start in his direction in life before he is born :D.

  3. Allie,

    I think your writing skills are just fine and your blog posts are always lovely to read. I've been keeping up (even though I don't post much) and I'm so excited for you guys - things really are moving along so fast. That is a freaky looking procedure, but it looks like it lasts less than two minutes! Best of luck with your birthing adventures.
