Sunday, June 7, 2009


I haven't written much of anything lately, mostly because we've been so busy. G started his first week at Job:Real last Monday and we are both trying to adjust to his new schedule. Actually I have had to do no real adjusting of my own so far because unfortunately, I still do not have a job. Who would have known it was going to be so difficult to find work down here? Probably something I should have considered before pursuing an English Literature degree.

I'm still waiting to here from Armstrong State here, hoping they have some room left for me in their teeny-tiny teaching program. During the days, I drive to preschool after preschool filling out applications and talking my previous work experiences up like crazy. After a few hours of driving, I head home and Cat and I spend the after-lunch portion of our day reading, cleaning, and re-loading the Craigslist job page every five minutes. Pretty exciting.

There is some fun/weird news I am just dying to share, but for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, it will just have to wait. Keep posted!!

Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes, love, and gifts. I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet and truly am because I am surrounded by lots of amazing friends and family. Thanks to wonderful G, my mom and little sister Karli are coming out here at the end of the month for TWELVE WHOLE DAYS!! Their company will be much needed.

Things are slowing down for a bit (G was telling me today that here, everyone says "for a song" instead of "for a little bit/short time" :-) and so I will hopefully be posting more this week.

Hope you all have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. my grandpa lives in north carolina and he was dating this sweet little southern bell who said "for a song" if something was a good deal or cheap. like, "he was selling his old rig for a song." soooooooo cute. she always made me giggle.
