Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cupcake Stomach Ache.

We just got back from a lovely, Chicago night out. It's strange to think that these adventures are some of our last here, especially now that I can see the end of our Chicago experience. Today we packed the last of our books/clothes/junk and organized our apartment a bit. I'm pretty impressed with our packing techniques this move, we're just getting better and more organized with each new city. When we left Bellingham, we hardly had our things in boxes. If clothes were already in a laundry basket we just picked up the tub, threw it in the Penske Truck, and called it good. This move it's taped up, labeled boxes as well as a clutter clean-up...Mom, you'd really be so proud.

Tonight we met up with Homer for some Mediterranean food at Sultan's Market (so good). Then we stopped by Molly's Cupcakes and had coffee and a cupcake. I'm the kind of stuffed right now that makes you just want to lay around uncomfortably and maybe get up only to puke. I'm also so thirsty but I can't put anything more into my belly.

After dessert we all walked down to the lake and enjoyed the 60 degree weather we've been having at night.

We move in 18 days!!

Homer and G by Lake Michigan:

Our cupcakes. Chocolate cream and vegan white with chocolate frosting:

Look at us go!

Bunny, helping out as usual:

G and B taking a break:

I have to sleep this cupcake off....

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