Monday, April 13, 2009

Chicago Easter # 2

Yesterday we had a delicious brunch with a bunch of our friends. Good food and good friends is one of my top favorite combinations. I'll have to list the others later.

I baked my first quiche yesterday (thanks Jenny for the inspiration) and it turned out so great. I even have left over pie crust so I think I'll make an apple pie sometime this week. After brunch we went down to Hyde Park and had dinner with G's friends from school. They are both from Peru and cooked us a delicious Peruvian meal made of chicken, hot peppers, hard boiled eggs, rice, and potatoes. It was the best thing I have eaten in so long. We drank wine and played music until we had to head back.

Our new friends place actually motivated me to start de-cluttering our place. I am so excited to trash so much and start from scratch! I'm discovering a whole new Allie and I like this toss and forget about it Allie a lot right now. Watching our friends also made me appreciate the love G and I have for each other. Our new friends just work well and you can tell they love spending time together. It made me realize that I am lucky to have the same connection with G. I could spend days with just him and have so much fun.

Yesterday was a good day. :-)

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