Friday, March 6, 2009


I should probably make it clear that the gun my creepy little brother is holding in the picture below is an air soft gun...there's no way my parents would let him have anything other than that (even though I'm sure he wouldn't mind). Yeah, we live in the country...but really.

It is 11:30 in the morning and already 60 degrees outside. I've been sitting on the roof, reading, and drinking Gatorade before work and it is NICE. I actually had to take off my sweater because I was getting too hot. Everyone is in really good moods and walking around...the city is waking up!!

Thanks S for suggesting Day Frog...I checked out the website and it looks pretty awesome. Fantasy Kingdom is pretty cool, I think their problem is the space is too small and too many kids go there (especially on yucky Chicago days). I'm glad the girl I watch is finally getting old enough to hold her own against the big guys....We'll definitely have to check this out!

I found out that I am not accepted to one of the schools I applied for...SO FRUSTRATING. That means I only have two more Chicago schools left to hope for, and they were kind of my random picked schools. :-( I have the feeling a lot of people are applying for schools right now so of course that makes it harder. Keep your fingers crossed!

I don't work until 1:00 today, so I'm going to go ride my bike around and soak up this sunshine....

Hope you all have a great Friday!!!

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