Wednesday, March 25, 2009

America Runs on Dunkins and Megan Doesn't.

I'm too exhausted for a picture post tonight so until tomorrow you will just have to believe me when I say that we had another awesome and busy day. We ran around the heart of the city and saw just about every tourist attraction downtown has to offer. It started pouring towards the end of our adventure, so we slipped into a Dunkin Donuts (Megan wanted to know what the hype was all about...they have one on almost every corner). Two coffees and a croissant later we decided that Dunkin's coffee tastes like every other brand (maybe a little worse) and that $1.10 is way too much for a small container of cream cheese.

We decided not to pay the large amount of money to go to the top of the Sear's Tower (now called the Willis Tower!) on such a cloudy/foggy day, so instead looked up in amazement while shielding our eyes from the large raindrops.

It really started raining and the sky was turning this scary blueish-gray so we boarded the train at Quincy and rode it back north towards the tea cafe where our friend Homer was reading some of his poetry. The girls met a lot of interesting, new people and we drank blueberry tea. Homer, of course, was a delightful addition and we're already planning on hanging out with him tomorrow.

I'd also like to see Jenny and baby at some point. Tomorrow we're thinking Navy Pier with Homer, smoothies with Jenny and Alex, and deep dish pizza for dinner. Of course our plans change quite often so who knows what tomorrow will bring...

Can you believe it's already Wednesday?

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