Friday, February 13, 2009

Come On Get Happy!

11 things that are seriously making me so happy right now:

1. I don't have to work until Tuesday.
2. I did not catch little C's cough OR Z's strep.
3. One school application done, only three to go.
4. A (somewhat) clean house.
5. Eating valentine's conversation hearts.
6. My computer is working for now.
7. It is so sunny and pretty warm outside (45?)
8. Having the time to listen to a bunch of old vinyl.
9. I am almost finished with a good book.
10. Finally realizing that spring is only a few months away.
11. Red Hen Bread veggie sandwiches (crispy bread, red peppers, lettuce, granny
smith apples,
and walnut goat cheese)


  1. Cool Al!!! I haven't been able to write that much of stuff on my blog lately, I have been SO busy!!! But I am probably going to write tomorrow!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

    Your Sis,

  2. Thats Cool Allie!!!!! Some things that make me happy are,

    1. being able to do the talent show
    2. having nice friends and getting together with them!! Love you tons Allie

    Your God sis,
