Thursday, January 8, 2009


So yesterday was my first day back at work, after a pleasant two week long vacation. Transitions are difficult for everyone and it has been hard getting back into the groove of things. Carly has taken my being back quite hard and it has been slow going trying to get her to warm up and be my little buddy again. Today was better than yesterday though, so I know it can only get better. Megan gave us a chocolate milk mixer for Christmas. It's about the size of a large cup and works like a miniature blender. I brought it to work as sort of a peace offering and you should have seen Carly's eyes. She mixed that chocolate milk until it was nothing but foam. At least I have the milk mixer going for me! Yesterday Carly and I watched Mamma Mia together and she sang almost every song until she fell asleep on the couch. I think dancing your heart out to "Dancing Queen" can be a tiring task when your legs are so small.

I'm not sure how many of you have seen the movie, or know what it's about. Basically, this girl is getting married and she doesn't know who her father is. So she sneaks into her mom's diary and finds the addresses of the three men she is certain her mother slept with around the time of her conception. She writes these guys and tells them to come to her wedding...without telling the mom (of course). SO I told Carly, "I'm probably not going to get to see the end of this with you so can you tell me right now which one ends up being her dad?" And she simply said, "She has three dad's Allie." I love the way preschoolers think.

It snowed again yesterday and although I have seen more snow this Winter than usual, I still couldn't have been more excited. Finally experiencing a Washington snow did make me realize how crappy the snow here is. It's pretty, don't get me wrong. It's just too cold to enjoy it. You can't build a snowman, or go sledding, or walk to the store because it is 15 degrees out. There are also no parks or lawns so all of the snow is either muddy or contaminated with Chicago's famous mixture of chemicals and salt. Lately it hasn't been too cold though, so I have been walking to work...which is always a fulfilling activity.

I can't believe I am even still awake at this point. I need to stop giving in to my newly discovered love for art blogs.

New Year's Resolutions for 2009

1. Read more books.
2. Waste less time.
3. Love more.
4. Be more understanding and patient.
5. Call friends and family more often.
6. Eat healthier.
7. Dust off morals I've lost over time.
8. Tease Bunz less.
9. Craft more.
10. Practice letting go and not caring.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck getting "back into the swing of things." Thankfully, my break is only 9 days away! NW snow does rock.

    Love the resolutions- I think I could use each of those!
