Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So Busy!

It's getting late and I have a pretty busy day ahead of me tomorrow, so I'm really going to try and hold back from writing a whole lot this post. Hopefully tomorrow I will have the chance to sit down and write about what's been going on with us lately. Sunday I hung out with Jenny, something that I have been looking forward to for a while since we got back from break. It's so nice to have a girl around to talk to. Those of you who know me, know that I am pretty picky when it comes to girls I choose to hang out with. Jenny is a good friend and it is nice to hang out with someone my age after spending a whole week with the same five people (two of those people being kids!)

Today it was a whopping 8 DEGREES! Tonight when I left work at 10:30, it was only two. I can't believe that Winter isn't even half over (it seriously stays cold here until late March...) I love the cold and the snow and other joys the Winter season brings, but towards the end I start to get a little antsy. I can't even imagine how stir crazy I am going to be come February! Even the kids are starting to feel it. Today we wanted to go to the library, after a half hour of what I like to call, "Chicago sledding" (definition: sledding down a four foot tall snow pile your dad shoveled in your front yard). About two minutes into our walk with a huge pile of book returns, we were both so numb that not even the four layers that I had wrapped Carly in were keeping her warm. You don't even shiver in this kind of cold. You are so focused on reaching your destination that you don't have time to shiver. You just feel like your limbs are going to fall off. As much as the kids love playing with their toys, I feel like we are all beginning to wonder when we'll finally be able to put away the Polly Pockets and Littlest Petshop and run off to the park for nature hunts.

Some things the Winter has brought me are endless craft ideas and the biggest, prettiest icicles I have ever seen. AND, unlike Spring flowers, you can break the icicles off and keep them without having to worry about killing a living thing or ruining it for everyone. Chances are all of the icicles we collected today will be back and just as big in only a few days (most of the ones we found were from gutters or roof drips). Painting white on black, snowflake discoveries, knitting, mitten painting, bird feeder making, the list goes on. Winter has always been one of my most favorite seasons for children's crafts and teaching opportunities.

And now, the video I told Carly I would post...although I am pretty sure she is going to hate me once she sees which video I was referring to. It's way to funny though.

Stay warm everybody!!

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