Monday, January 19, 2009

Hazy Shade of Winter.

Dear Winter,

I have handled you like a champ so far. Always talking about how pretty the snow is, getting excited to walk around in the crisp air and drink things that warm my insides (tea, coffee, wine), and loving the fact that I actually have the time to listen to a lot of my old records that haven't been dusted off in months. But today I woke up and just decided that I have had ENOUGH. I am tired of the same thing happening every day. In the Summer I can ride my bike, go on adventures, get out of the house. I miss sitting on our roof deck, reading books and drinking slurpees and lemonade. I miss being so hot that it's actually a good thing our crappy shower mostly pumps out cold water. I miss the good smells that flow in through our open windows. I have had enough of your snow, your wind, and the lack of green. I don't like dressing in three layers just to go across the street. I don't like slipping on the muddy snow still covering the sidewalk. I'm even beginning to dislike wine. Please end sooner, rather than later. If you stick around until March like you did last year, I'm really going to loose my cool.

(un) Affectionately yours,


One year in 40 seconds from Eirik Solheim on Vimeo.

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