Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Like a Boss

git 'em 

I know Easter is way over but OMG. Look at that face! Henry takes egg hunting very seriously.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bonjour Bebe

Now all he needs is the little French girlfriend to Skype with....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We're Back!

"Lottsa tickers for YOU mama!"

We're back from our short trip to Washington. It was so good to be around family. I say that every time we get back but this trip I was really, really feeling it. It was so hard to leave everyone, even though the little life we've built here is Savannah is (for the most part) pleasant. I just miss having people to share all of Henry's moments with and people to talk to. It sucks that our family sees Henry grow in intervals of six months, I wish they could be there for every week of his life. Tonight, Henry told me that when he wakes up, he gets to see his grandparents and his aunts and uncles. Stop rubbing it in already, kid! 

I have some pretty awesome pictures to post from our trip, but until I find my camera cord (Sony cameras are the worst) here's a picture of Henry and his latest obsession- tagging. The other night Garrison and I were sitting on the couch and noticed that he had put a sticker on every piece of furniture, every glass, every book, the TV, and every toy. There were even stickers on the floor and the rug. It's an art, really.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day #3!





Getting me "all bubbly in da baff"








IMG_4919 Henry on the TV! 

 Wow, was this really my third mother's day? Crazy! My boys gave me such a great day this year! Sunday morning, I actually got to sleep in. This totally would have been enough on its own but when I woke up, Garrison had dressed Henry (and himself) in a suit. We went out for brunch at this restaurant down the street and then walked around downtown. Honestly, Henry was being horrible the entire time (don't let the suit fool you!). Toddlers really don't get the whole "give mom a break, it's her day" thing. But tantrums and "NOOOOO!"s aside, it was a really fun day. 

Also, I haven't been blogging as much lately because of a family accident. I don't know, I just didn't feel like posting a ton of photos while Garrison's family is going through a really hard time. We're leaving for Washington tomorrow morning to be with them. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rockin' Band

We've been doing a lot of this lately, sometimes for like 35 minutes straight. Henry calls it, "Rockin' Band" or "Rock and Rollin' Things". On a good night he even let's Garrison play slide whistle....

Saturday, May 5, 2012


wool5 (1)

Christina at Wooliewares makes THE CUTEST baby shoes. Seriously, I had such a hard time choosing pictures for this post! All of her shoes are hand sewn and made from high quality wool felt and 100% cotton. She also makes some pretty awesome stuffed animals, hats, and felt food. Christina is super friendly and incredibly down to earth. She is very easy to work with and will customize the colors of your item!

Visit her Etsy shop when you get the chance! She has so many fun patterns and colors to choose from.







Again, click HERE to visit her shop!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Henry Keeps it Interesting...




Now that Henry is old enough to drag every. single. toy. out of everything, I'm constantly cleaning up. I hatehatehate picking up the same dinosaurs, legos, marbles, and trains every night. But! Lately I've been finding his toys in the weirdest places and noticing funny little things he did while he was playing. It's really amusing to me, the things I find. I like to pretend like he's all, "Mom is going to hate cleaning up this mess, but maybe stuffing her shoe full of stickers will make it a little better..."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wut we be be be doin'

That's Henry for, "What we've been up to lately..."

Henry discovers tattoos, "wike daddy!"

BIG DEAL ALERT: I actually made something grow!

My hair is finally long enough to do this!* 

Garrison bought a tent for the inside of our house! (daddy is waaaay cooler than mommy...)

FruitLoop necklaces

Um yep. Totally grew these too!

Visiting Garrison during his bike rodeo.

Bath to bring the fever down :(

Eating the "juicies" off of the watermelon

Letters from Bomma in Washington

Waiting for the firetruck

Picnic'n. Lots and lots of Picnic'n.