Monday, September 21, 2009

23 1/2 Weeks.

The other day I was at the grocery store and I couldn't find what I was looking for. I walked up to someone stocking the shelves and said, "Excuse me, do you know where I could find cornstarch?" And instead of looking at my face, he stared at my stomach for a bit. I was so excited and have decided that it's much more fun being a bit more pregnant than just walking around with what could be nothing more than just a beer and pizza belly.

Every night around 11:00 this baby starts to dance. I can feel him wiggling all around and even kicking off of my stomach. Sometimes I grab G's hand, waking him from his sleep and say, "QUICK! FEEL THIS!" Of course, once I place his hand on my stomach the baby holds completely still. He thinks he's been able to feel him move at least once.

I want to be having bizarre food cravings but so far there's been nothing. I guess I eat more lemons and cheese than I'm used to and there's hardly ever a time when Mexican food doesn't sound good. I guess the whole pickles and ice cream story is just a myth.

Right now we both really like the name Henry. And Elliot. Henry Elliot Marr? Hmmmm.

Oh, and did I mention G's back from Montreal? It was a loooong and super quiet week here without him and both me and cat are very excited to have him back. It's fun to have someone to laugh, talk, and bicker with again. And at the end of the work day, it's especially nice to have someone to curl up next to in our big comfy bed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Window Lizard.

One of our favorite things lately has been our window lizard. Every night around 8:00, a tiny lizard appears and clings to the same window screen for about forty five minutes. He's been here a whole week in a row. We were really surprised to see it at first, but now just expect it to be there. Even Cat, who was really into chasing it at first, has gotten so used to its company that when it comes she just kind of stares at it and then falls back asleep.

I feel like I'm getting HUGE, although I still seem to be much smaller than most girls at week 21.
WEEK 21?!

Holy crap.